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Chemistry and Materials Science


Francesca Modugno
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Administrative Office

Department of Chimica e chimica industriale


Overview and objectives of the PhD course

The training project of the PhD in Chemistry and Materials Sciences (DSCM) has among its objectives: 1) the deepening of the knowledge of theoretical, experimental and computational techniques and methodologies for the synthesis, characterization and development of molecular systems and materials; 2) the development of the capacity to carry out independent research, which is at the same time integrated in a local and international research network; 3) the acquisition of transversal skills, including: the ability to present own research work in a rigorous and effective way, in front of both a specialized and wide audience; to draft research projects; to write scientific publications and to organize them into a broader text such as the final thesis. During the 1st year, the students must follow at least three courses of 8-10 hours each, purposely organized for the DSCM, in addition to the course "English for research publication and presentation purposes" (30 hours), the modules of the transversal teaching activities organized by the University of Pisa (UNIPI), and scientific seminars, organized by the DSCM, the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI), other Departments of the University of Pisa and local research institutions, national or international schools. The students are also involved in scientific dissemination activities ("100 Years in chemistry" event). The students of the 2nd year are responsible for the organization of the international conference "Chemistry for the Future" ( ). All students are encouraged to participate in national and international conferences and workshops; they are involved in dissemination activities such as "Bright – the researchers' night" and are asked to record short videos related to their research activities ("PhD Tales", ); they are required to communicate through a special "PhD Board" and the social channels of the DSCM the main results of their research to a non-specialist audience ( ), and to update their personal web pages (example for the 37th cycle: ). They participate to "Chemistry for the Future" through oral communications or posters. In addition, they can participate to the call "PRIMULE@DSCM – PRomoting Innovative and MULtidisciplinary Experiments at DSCM" (example for 2021: ), which aims to promote multidisciplinary research and to develop the capacity to respond to competitive calls. Every year, the students are required to submit to the DSCM Teaching Board a report on the progress of their research.
The PhD course in Chemistry and Materials Sciences (DSCM) aims to train young graduates in Chemistry and related disciplines to the most advanced methods of research in different sectors of chemistry and materials sciences. PhD students learn how to deal with, and solve, complex problems, thanks to the competent use of experimental, computational and theoretical techniques in a multidisciplinary research environment, covering the aspects of synthesis, characterization and development of molecular species, organic, inorganic, polymeric and supramolecular materials. PhD students have access to the instrumentation of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI), the Chemistry library and can find wide and varied scientific and technical support from the professors, technical staff, and collaborators of the DCCI, including numerous guests also invited specifically by the DSCM. Each PhD student must develop his/her own research project in one of the most modern and advanced fields of chemistry such as: molecular modeling; synthesis and characterization of molecular and aggregate systems, polymeric materials, functional and nanostructured hybrid materials; spectroscopic, thermodynamic and magnetic studies of molecular and collective properties; phenomena underlying production, energy storage and transport; innovative methodologies for environmental analysis, clinic and cultural heritage; reaction mechanisms and interaction processes between molecules; catalysis and sustainable chemical processes in terms of the correct use of environmental and natural resources. Multidisciplinary research involving multiple scientific sectors is also encouraged, including collaborations with other University departments and research institutions, both national and international. It is strongly recommended to carry out secondments lasting 3-6 months at foreign research institutions, with the aim of providing students with the ability to carry out research activities in international and dynamic environments, promoting their independence. In addition to the scientific training, the training project of the course (see previous section) has among its objectives the development of transversal skills and soft skills such as the ability to work in groups, scientific communication activities, dissemination, organization of scientific events, participation in competitive calls.


Regolamento interno del corso di dottorato (only in Italian)

Prove di ammissione a.a. 2020-21 - Deroga Emergenza Covid (only in Italian)

